Evaluación Nutricional Caritas

by Caritas de Guatemala

Health & Fitness


Application for the evaluation, diagnosis and nutritional monitoring of boys and girls based on the Child Growth Patterns of the World Health Organization.Developed especially for the use of Cáritas de Guatemala staff who monitor child growth as part of accompanying and promoting activities for a good living, of the poorest and most excluded populations. It may be used by other interested persons or organizations, with prior authorization from Cáritas de Guatemala.This application is the result of the fraternal effort and cooperation between Cáritas de Guatemala and Cáritas Española, with the financial support of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID).Technical specifications:* Security by assigning users and passwords* Offline operation.* Smart search for boys, girls and mothers using QR codes* Nutritional evaluation of boys and girls from 0 to 5 years old.* Generation of nutritional diagnoses based on the main anthropometric indicators used in children (T / E; P / E; P / T).* Nutritional diagnosis using the WHO child growth standards as a reference.* Record and storage of previous measurements.* Generation of alerts to avoid the entry of inconsistent data.* Graphs to evaluate child growth according to WHO curves.